The Hospital Education Program (HEP) offers consultative services in certain outpatient clinics at the UVA Children’s Hospital. Educational consultants are master’s level certified special education teachers who work closely with medical staff, schools, and families in order to provide school support for children served in outpatient clinics. Community partnerships may be fostered when assisting students throughout their academic careers. All school services require written parental consent and are free to families. Services may include:
- meeting with children and families during clinic visits to discuss educational needs
- serving as a liaison between the clinic team and the student’s school team
- suggesting classroom accommodations and modifications needed to support the student’s health or learning needs, or assisting in the development of a school re-entry plan
- identifying appropriate resources to address educational issues related to both special and general education
- monitoring the student’s education program through phone calls or school contact.
Educational consultants are able to provide suggestions, guidance, and resources to families and schools but are unable to serve as an advocate for any party. Parents may assist the education consultants by signing the permission forms to exchange information with their child’s school and share academic concerns with the consultant. Parents and guardians are encouraged to bring copies of current school documents to the clinic visit such as:
- report cards
- school evaluations
- Individualized Education Plans (IEP)
- 504 plans